Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my apologies

I know it has been a long time since I posted and for that please accept my apologies. Mike was out of town for a lot of the past 2 weeks and I had to run this house on my own. Yes, it was a little scary at times but, we all survived. We are all glad to be united as a family again. As for me not posting.... I will try to never put this blog ahead of my family. I had to do double duty and was to tired to think or stay awake to blog. I did enjoy some fun time with the kids while Mike was away. I allowed them to take turns having sleepovers in my room. By the last night I declared it "me" night. That meant I was claiming my room back and needed one good nights sleep alone before Dad came home. I must admit that I slept much better when he returned. Something about having the Man of the house home at night just makes it so much easier to sleep sound. Speaking of.... he is such a great man.....I heard a noise in the middle of the night 2 nights ago and he got up to check it out for me. If you know Mike you know how awesome of him that was (he likes his sleep to be uninterrupted). Don't know what the noise was but, boy was I glad that did not happen when he was away! Ok I am rambling but it does feel good to be able to get back on here. I am not sure with the nice weather how often I will post. I am hoping for 2 times a week. If I have to choose between being outside with my kids or posting.....sorry again but, I will always try to pick my kids.

1 comment:

Kate said...

It is nice to hear from you again! :) I know how it is not having time!!! All of us moms can relate, I'm sure! Have a great rest of the week! Enjoy the weather AND your family