Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Very sad day

When I came home from work today I found out that my friend/neighbor is loosing her battle with cancer. My family and I have come to love her and her family very much in the last year and a half. My heart is so heavy for the family as they are together with her. As I have been thinking about our friendship I was reminded of how I stopped everything if she needed me......because I knew my time with her was limited. I am so glad I did.

I started this post a few weeks ago. I could not finish this post at the time. I was crying to much. Since then she has died and so has another friend of ours. They were both great people and are missed very much buy their family and friends. The past few weeks have been hard. Mike (my husband) did the funeral service for our friend and we were able to attend the viewing of our neighbor together. It was a sad few weeks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still here

Yes, I am still here.....however I am trying to adjust to all of the changes going on around in my life. I still love my new job but, I do miss being home with the kids. Mike is doing fabulous with the kids and helping out with whatever I need help with (and that has been a lot lately). All 4 of the kids are adjusting well to all the changes too. I appreciate the time I spend with them so much more now. I am always striving to be a better mom and I love stopping everything to just spend quality time with my kids. The house will always need cleaning but my kids are growing up to fast and I know that my time spent coloring and reading stories is flying by to quickly. Abbey is waiting for me to read so my time is done here!!!